Tableau Basics
Data Sources
Free Data for Tableau/PowerBI/ Analytics Training
When I started creating this Tableau course, I was looking for good practice datasets and after a lot of research, I downloaded about 100 of datasets.
But I wasn’t happy with them because they don’t cover all the scenarios you need for training and all of them are just a big flat table, this is a problem because in real projects, your data is stored in a data warehouse or data lake in many different tables, and the first step in tools like Tableau or powerbi is to connect and combine those tables, so training with just one big flat table is not going to prepare you for real projects.
That’s why I decided to create my simple datasets that cover all the scenarios I want to show you, and also include multiple tables to learn how to combine them.
So let’s take a look at what I have prepared for you.
Training Data For This Course
You can use my datasets to learn other tools and languages like Powerbi, SQL, Python or others.
The dataset for this course is free by just subscribing below:
Get Baraa's FREE Tableau Stuff
We have three simple and typical tables:
- Customers – stores all customer information such as names, country, and scores.
- Orders – stores sales orders placed by customers.
- Products – stores all product information such as product name, category, subcategory.
This data model has a name, it is the Star Schema. You will hear a lot about it when you work in projects.
The Star schema has mainly two types of tables: Facts and Dimensions.
The Tables that describe something we call dimensions. e.g. The table customers describe each customer by first name, last name, country.
Dimensions usually don’t have many rows and are small.
And the second type of tables that store events, we call them facts.
Let’s look at the big table in the middle, we can see 3 things :
- keys to other dimensions, like orderID, customerID.
- Dates like order date and ship date.
- Numbers like sales, quantity, profit, we call them measures.
If you find a table with those three types of data, then you can call it a fact table.
Other Datasets
Here are some other data resources you can consider:
Tableau Public Resources
If you go to tableau public, you will find many datasets about Business, Entertainment, Sports, Education and many other domains.
Kaggle is a machine learning and data science community with over a million members. The platform provides data sets about almost everything.
Shares data behind new articles like politics, sports, economics, culture and Science & Health.
If you want to generate your own dataset, then use Mockaroo lets you generate up to 1,000 rows of data in CSV, JSON, SQL, and Excel formats.
Free Public Data Sets
Tableau did collect important links for other free public data sets for analysis