fun with data

Tableau Project - HR Dashboard

This Tableau project is a step-by-step learning experience in building dashboard projects using Tableau from requirements to professional dashboard like I do in my real-world projects.

Project Download Materials

The Zip folder contains the following:

  • Project Data The data used in this HR Dashboard project is generated using a combination of ChatGPT prompts and the Python Faker library. This dataset simulates a set of employee information typically found in HR systems, including demographics, job details, salary, performance evaluations, and attrition data. The generated data is designed to mimic real-world HR data, providing a rich dataset for analysis and visualization in Tableau.
  • Icons & Images The icons used in the HR Dashboard are sourced from Flaticon and customized using Photopea to match the dashboard’s color scheme. The PDS (Photopea files) can be found in the icon folder of the zip file for further editing if needed.
  • MockupsThe initial dashboard mockup was created using the Procreate app on a tablet. Additionally, the dashboard container mockups were created using
  • Tableau Project FileThe project file created during the course can be found in Zip file. You can also directly download the Tableau file from my Tableau Public Profile.



Feel free to download and use the data provided in this tutorial. If you decided to share the Tableau project to Tableau public or in LinkedIn, it would be appreciate it, if you mention my youtube channel.

Instead of downloading the Tableau file directly, I suggest following along with me step by step. This way, you’ll learn Tableau and have a feeling about the progress of projects and building dashboards in Tableau.

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User Story - HR Dashboard

As an HR manager, I want a comprehensive dashboard to analyze human resources data, providing both summary views for high-level insights and detailed employee records for in-depth analysis

Summary View

The summary view should be divided into three main sections: Overview, Demographics, and Income Analysis


The Overview section should provide a snapshot of the overall HR metrics, including:

  • Display the total number of hired employees, active employees, and terminated employees.
  • Visualize the total number of hired and terminated employees over the years.
  • Present a breakdown of total employees by department and job titles.
  • Compare total employees between headquarters (HQ) and branches (New York is the HQ)
  • Show the distribution of employees by city and state.


The Demographics section should offer insights into the composition of the workforce, including:

  • Present the gender ratio in the company.
  • Visualize the distribution of employees across age groups and education levels.
  • Show the total number of employees within each age group.
  • Show the total number of employees within each education level.
  • Present the correlation between employees’s educational backgrounds and their performance ratings.


The income analysis section should focus on salary-related metrics, including:

  • Compare salaries across different education levels for both genders to identify any discrepancies or patterns.
  • Present how the age correlate with the salary for employees in each department.

Employee Records View

  • Provide a comprehensive list of all employees with necessary information such as name, department, position, gender, age, education, and salary.
  • Users should be able to filter the list based on any of the available columns.

Data Generation

Chat-GPT Prompts

Generate python script to generate a realistic dataset of 8950 records for human resources. The dataset should include the following attributes:

  1. Employee ID: A unique identifier.
  2. First Name: Randomly generated.
  3. Last Name: Randomly generated.
  4. Gender: Randomly chosen with a 46% probability for ‘Female’ and a 54% probability for ‘Male’.
  5. State and City: Randomly assigned from a predefined list of states and their cities.
  6. 6.Hire Date: Randomly generated with custom probabilities for each year from 2015 to 2024.
  7. 7.Department: Randomly chosen from a list of departments with specified probabilities.
  8. Job Title: Randomly selected based on the department, with specific probabilities for each job title within the department.
  9. Education Level: Determined based on the job title, chosen from a predefined mapping of job titles to education levels.
  10. Performance Rating: Randomly selected from ‘Excellent’, ‘Good’, ‘Satisfactory’, ‘Needs Improvement’ with specified probabilities.
  11. Overtime: Randomly chosen with a 30% probability for ‘Yes’ and a 70% probability for ‘No’.
  12. Salary: Generated based on the department and job title, within specific ranges.
  13. Birth Date: Generated based on age group distribution and job title requirements, ensuring consistency with the hire date.
  14. Termination Date: Assigned to a subset of employees (11.2% of the total) with specific probabilities for each year from 2015 to 2024, ensuring the termination date is at least 6 months after the hire date.
  15. Adjusted Salary: Calculated based on gender, education level, and age, applying specific multipliers and increments.
  16. Be sure to structure the code cleanly, using functions where appropriate, and include comments to explain each step of the process.

Python Script

					import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from faker import Faker
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import random

# Initialize Faker
fake = Faker('en_US')

# Configuration
num_records = 8950

# States & Cities
states_cities = {
    'New York': ['New York City', 'Buffalo', 'Rochester'],
    'Virginia': ['Virginia Beach', 'Norfolk', 'Richmond'],
    'Florida': ['Miami', 'Orlando', 'Tampa'],
    'Illinois': ['Chicago', 'Aurora', 'Naperville'],
    'Pennsylvania': ['Philadelphia', 'Pittsburgh', 'Allentown'],
    'Ohio': ['Columbus', 'Cleveland', 'Cincinnati'],
    'North Carolina': ['Charlotte', 'Raleigh', 'Greensboro'],
    'Michigan': ['Detroit', 'Grand Rapids', 'Warren']
states = list(states_cities.keys())
state_prob = [0.7, 0.02, 0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.03, 0.05, 0.11]
assigned_states = np.random.choice(states, size=num_records, p=state_prob)
assigned_cities = [np.random.choice(states_cities[state]) for state in assigned_states]

# Departments & Jobtitles
departments = ['HR', 'IT', 'Sales', 'Marketing', 'Finance', 'Operations', 'Customer Service']
departments_prob = [0.02, 0.15, 0.21, 0.08, 0.05, 0.30, 0.19]
jobtitles = {
    'HR': ['HR Manager', 'HR Coordinator', 'Recruiter', 'HR Assistant'],
    'IT': ['IT Manager', 'Software Developer', 'System Administrator', 'IT Support Specialist'],
    'Sales': ['Sales Manager', 'Sales Consultant', 'Sales Specialist', 'Sales Representative'],
    'Marketing': ['Marketing Manager', 'SEO Specialist', 'Content Creator', 'Marketing Coordinator'],
    'Finance': ['Finance Manager', 'Accountant', 'Financial Analyst', 'Accounts Payable Specialist'],
    'Operations': ['Operations Manager', 'Operations Analyst', 'Logistics Coordinator', 'Inventory Specialist'],
    'Customer Service': ['Customer Service Manager', 'Customer Service Representative', 'Support Specialist', 'Help Desk Technician']
jobtitles_prob = {
    'HR': [0.03, 0.3, 0.47, 0.2],  # HR Manager, HR Coordinator, Recruiter, HR Assistant
    'IT': [0.02, 0.47, 0.2, 0.31],  # IT Manager, Software Developer, System Administrator, IT Support Specialist
    'Sales': [0.03, 0.25, 0.32, 0.4],  # Sales Manager, Sales Consultant, Sales Specialist, Sales Representative
    'Marketing': [0.04, 0.25, 0.41, 0.3],  # Marketing Manager, SEO Specialist, Content Creator, Marketing Coordinator
    'Finance': [0.03, 0.37, 0.4, 0.2],  # Finance Manager, Accountant, Financial Analyst, Accounts Payable Specialist
    'Operations': [0.02, 0.2, 0.4, 0.38],  # Operations Manager, Operations Analyst, Logistics Coordinator, Inventory Specialist
    'Customer Service': [0.04, 0.3, 0.38, 0.28]  # Customer Service Manager, Customer Service Representative, Support Specialist, Help Desk Technician

# Educations
educations = ['High School', "Bachelor", "Master", 'PhD']

education_mapping = {
    'HR Manager': ["Master", "PhD"],
    'HR Coordinator': ["Bachelor", "Master"],
    'Recruiter': ["High School", "Bachelor"],
    'HR Assistant': ["High School", "Bachelor"],
    'IT Manager': ["PhD", "Master"],
    'Software Developer': ["Bachelor", "Master"],
    'System Administrator': ["Bachelor", "Master"],
    'IT Support Specialist': ["High School", "Bachelor"],
    'Sales Manager': ["Master","PhD"],
    'Sales Consultant': ["Bachelor", "Master", "PhD"],
    'Sales Specialist': ["Bachelor", "Master", "PhD"],
    'Sales Representative': ["Bachelor"],
    'Marketing Manager': ["Bachelor", "Master","PhD"],
    'SEO Specialist': ["High School", "Bachelor"],
    'Content Creator': ["High School", "Bachelor"],
    'Marketing Coordinator': ["Bachelor"],
    'Finance Manager': ["Master", "PhD"],
    'Accountant': ["Bachelor"],
    'Financial Analyst': ["Bachelor", "Master", "PhD"],
    'Accounts Payable Specialist': ["Bachelor"],
    'Operations Manager': ["Bachelor", "Master"],
    'Operations Analyst': ["Bachelor", "Master"],
    'Logistics Coordinator': ["Bachelor"],
    'Inventory Specialist': ["High School", "Bachelor"],
    'Customer Service Manager': ["Bachelor", "Master", "PhD"],
    'Customer Service Representative': ["High School", "Bachelor"],
    'Support Specialist': ["High School", "Bachelor"],
    'Customer Success Manager': ["Bachelor", "Master", "PhD"],
    'Help Desk Technician': ["High School", "Bachelor"]

# Hiring Date
# Define custom probability weights for each year
year_weights = {
    2015: 5,   # 15% probability
    2016: 8,   # 15% probability
    2017: 17,   # 20% probability
    2018: 9,  # 15% probability
    2019: 10,  # 10% probability
    2020: 11,  # 10% probability
    2021: 5,  # 8% probability
    2022: 12,  # 5% probability
    2023: 14,  # 2% probability
    2024: 9   # 2% probability

# Generate a random date based on custom probabilities
def generate_custom_date(year_weights):
    year = random.choices(list(year_weights.keys()), weights=list(year_weights.values()))[0]
    month = random.randint(1, 12)
    day = random.randint(1, 28)  # Assuming all months have 28 days for simplicity
    return fake.date_time_between(start_date=datetime(year, 1, 1), end_date=datetime(year, 12, 31))

def generate_salary(department, job_title):
    salary_dict = {
            'HR': {
                'HR Manager': np.random.randint(60000, 90000), 
                'HR Coordinator': np.random.randint(50000, 60000), 
                'Recruiter': np.random.randint(50000, 70000), 
                'HR Assistant': np.random.randint(50000, 60000)
            'IT': {
                'IT Manager': np.random.randint(80000, 120000), 
                'Software Developer': np.random.randint(70000, 95000), 
                'System Administrator': np.random.randint(60000, 90000), 
                'IT Support Specialist': np.random.randint(50000, 60000)
            'Sales': {
                'Sales Manager': np.random.randint(70000, 110000), 
                'Sales Consultant': np.random.randint(60000, 90000), 
                'Sales Specialist': np.random.randint(50000, 80000), 
                'Sales Representative': np.random.randint(50000, 70000)
            'Marketing': {
                'Marketing Manager': np.random.randint(70000, 100000), 
                'SEO Specialist': np.random.randint(50000, 80000), 
                'Content Creator': np.random.randint(50000, 60000), 
                'Marketing Coordinator': np.random.randint(50000, 70000)
            'Finance': {
                'Finance Manager': np.random.randint(80000, 120000), 
                'Accountant': np.random.randint(50000, 80000), 
                'Financial Analyst': np.random.randint(60000, 90000), 
                'Accounts Payable Specialist': np.random.randint(50000, 60000)
            'Operations': {
                'Operations Manager': np.random.randint(70000, 100000), 
                'Operations Analyst': np.random.randint(50000, 80000), 
                'Logistics Coordinator': np.random.randint(50000, 60000), 
                'Inventory Specialist': np.random.randint(50000, 60000)
            'Customer Service': {
                'Customer Service Manager': np.random.randint(60000, 90000), 
                'Customer Service Representative': np.random.randint(50000, 60000), 
                'Support Specialist': np.random.randint(50000, 60000), 
                'Help Desk Technician': np.random.randint(50000, 80000)
    return salary_dict[department][job_title]

# Generate the dataset
data = []
for _ in range(num_records):
    employee_id = f"00-{random.randint(10000000, 99999999)}"
    first_name = fake.first_name()
    last_name = fake.last_name()
    gender = np.random.choice(['Female', 'Male'], p=[0.46, 0.54])
    state = np.random.choice(states, p=state_prob)
    city = np.random.choice(states_cities[state])
    hiredate = generate_custom_date(year_weights)
    department = np.random.choice(departments, p=departments_prob)
    job_title  = np.random.choice(jobtitles[department], p=jobtitles_prob[department])
    education_level = np.random.choice(education_mapping[job_title])
    performance_rating = np.random.choice(['Excellent', 'Good', 'Satisfactory', 'Needs Improvement'], p=[0.12, 0.5, 0.3, 0.08])
    overtime = np.random.choice(['Yes', 'No'], p=[0.3, 0.7])
    salary = generate_salary(department, job_title)

## Create DataFrame
columns = [     

df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)

# Add Birthdate
def generate_birthdate(row):
    age_distribution = {
        'under_25': 0.11,
        '25_34': 0.25,
        '35_44': 0.31,
        '45_54': 0.24,
        'over_55': 0.09
    age_groups = list(age_distribution.keys())
    age_probs = list(age_distribution.values())
    age_group = np.random.choice(age_groups, p=age_probs)
    if any('Manager' in title for title in row['job_title']):
        age = np.random.randint(30, 65)
    elif row['education_level'] == 'PhD':
        age = np.random.randint(27, 65)       
    elif age_group == 'under_25':
         age = np.random.randint(20, 25)
    elif age_group == '25_34':
        age = np.random.randint(25, 35)
    elif age_group == '35_44':
        age = np.random.randint(35, 45)
    elif age_group == '45_54':
        age = np.random.randint(45, 55)
        age = np.random.randint(56, 65)

    birthdate = fake.date_of_birth(minimum_age=age, maximum_age=age)
    return birthdate

# Apply the function to generate birthdates
df['birthdate'] = df.apply(generate_birthdate, axis=1)

# Terminations
# Define termination distribution
year_weights = {
    2015: 5, 
    2016: 7,  
    2017: 10,  
    2018: 12,  
    2019: 9, 
    2020: 10,  
    2021: 20,  
    2022: 10,  
    2023: 7, 
    2024: 10  

# Calculate the total number of terminated employees
total_employees = num_records
termination_percentage = 0.112  # 11.2%
total_terminated = int(total_employees * termination_percentage)

# Generate termination dates based on distribution
termination_dates = []
for year, weight in year_weights.items():
    num_terminations = int(total_terminated * (weight / 100))
    termination_dates.extend([year] * num_terminations)

# Randomly shuffle the termination dates

# Assign termination dates to terminated employees
terminated_indices = df.index[:total_terminated]
for i, year in enumerate(termination_dates[:total_terminated]):[terminated_indices[i], 'termdate'] = datetime(year, 1, 1) + timedelta(days=random.randint(0, 365))

# Assign None to termdate for employees who are not terminated
df['termdate'] = df['termdate'].where(df['termdate'].notnull(), None)

# Ensure termdate is at least 6 months after hiredat
df['termdate'] = df.apply(lambda row: row['hiredate'] + timedelta(days=180) if row['termdate'] and row['termdate'] < row['hiredate'] + timedelta(days=180) else row['termdate'], axis=1)

education_multiplier = {
    'High School': {'Male': 1.03, 'Female': 1.0},
    "Bachelor": {'Male': 1.115, 'Female': 1.0},
    "Master": {'Male': 1.0, 'Female': 1.07},
    'PhD': {'Male': 1.0, 'Female': 1.17}

# Function to calculate age from birthdate
def calculate_age(birthdate):
    today = pd.Timestamp('today')
    age = today.year - birthdate.year - ((today.month, < (birthdate.month,
    return age

# Function to calculate the adjusted salary
def calculate_adjusted_salary(row):
    base_salary = row['salary']
    gender = row['gender']
    education = row['education_level']
    age = calculate_age(row['birthdate'])
    # Apply education multiplier
    multiplier = education_multiplier.get(education, {}).get(gender, 1.0)
    adjusted_salary = base_salary * multiplier
    # Apply age increment (between 0.1% and 0.3% per year of age)
    age_increment = 1 + np.random.uniform(0.001, 0.003) * age
    adjusted_salary *= age_increment
    # Ensure the adjusted salary is not lower than the base salary
    adjusted_salary = max(adjusted_salary, base_salary)
    # Round the adjusted salary to the nearest integer
    return round(adjusted_salary)

# Apply the function to the DataFrame
df['salary'] = df.apply(calculate_adjusted_salary, axis=1)

# Convert 'hiredate' and 'birthdate' to datetime
df['hiredate'] = pd.to_datetime(df['hiredate'])
df['birthdate'] = pd.to_datetime(df['birthdate'])
df['termdate'] = pd.to_datetime(df['termdate'])


# Save to CSV
df.to_csv('HumanResources.csv', index=False)