SELECT Statement

SQL statement/Query/Command is used to perform tasks such as retrieve data or update data on databases.

The script in our example is SELECT Statement, other call it Query or SELECT command.


The most important SQL commands/statements are:

  • SELECT  the first thing you’ll do, you choose the columns you want to be retrieved from the database.
  • FROM  – as next you need to specify at least one table where your data is stored.
  • JOIN – if your data is stored in several tables, then you can join the two or more tables in one SQL statement.
  • WHERE – is used to filter rows, returning only those that meet specified conditions.
  • GROUP BY – It is an aggregation function to group rows together by common column value.
  • HAVING – it is similar to WHERE but it works together with GROUP BY  to filter the aggregated values.
  • ORDER BY – is used to display the result in a specific order.
  • LIMIT – is used to restrict how many rows are returned. In our example, it limits the result to the top two rows.
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